What really matters?

I am a Christian.  Nothing is more important to me than my relationship with the Lord.  Therefore, nothing should be more important than teaching my children to fear and honor Him.  Whether they go to college or not, their ability to master extracurricular activities, play an instrument or even memorize Scripture doesn’t matter at all if they don’t honor the Lord with their lives!  However, it is VERY easy to let the everyday business and necessities of life overshadow what’s truly important.  


Godly children don’t happen by “keeping them in church” (as so many American Christians mistakenly believe).  God’s Word says that we are to be careful students of the Bible (2 Tim. 2:15) and teach it to our children “diligently” (Deut. 6:6-9).  Therefore, I hope you find the below information to be encouraging and helpful as you impart the most precious thing you’ve ever received to those whom God has given you stewardship over, during this brief and wonderful season of parenting! 


1. Daily time in God’s Word is essential for the Christian. So, if you’re not spending time with the Lord, reading the Bible, now’s a great time to start. Then, you can simply take what you’ve read and share it with your children. I like to ask little ones to tell me what it says and older children to explain what it means and what truths they can draw from it and apply to their own lives.

To ensure this happens, spend your time with the Lord in the early morning and then have Bible be the first subject you start school with every day.

2. Proverbs is a great book that’s chock-full of lots of wisdom in small packages. Simply go to the chapter that is the same as today’s date, choose a few verses and share them with your children.

3. Read the Bible out loud to your children during your family’s devotion or reading time. Even if you don’t do any review after, you’ll be teaching them the habit of daily Bible reading.

If you don’t understand how to or the importance of orienting your child’s heart toward Christ, I recommend Paul David Tripp’s book entitled Parenting.

Just like spending regular time in the Word, Christian community is essential for everyone who claims the name of Christ. The local church is the primary way this occurs in our lives. Going to church and functioning amongst other Christians can be very challenging. We all have different strengths and weaknesses and we’re all sinners, so conflict will occur. However, even in a landscape where churches are so plentiful but finding a “good” one can be next to impossible, don’t give up. Not only are we commanded to be present when the saints gather (Heb. 10:25), but the Scriptures also let us know how each part of the body is essential (1 Cor. 12) and just because others don’t see things the way I do, or have the same strengths as me, doesn’t mean I can’t learn from them and learn to work with them to accomplish God’s will in this dark world. So, don’t give up on looking for a church home. My husband and I looked at 350 churches before settling on one!  Most churches in the Knoxville area are very focused on getting people “saved” and adding them to their role but do little if anything to help them grow in their faith.  A careful understanding of the Scriptures is the foundation on which mature faith in God is built.  There are no prefect churches, no matter which a maturing Christian finds there will be things about it she either doesn’t agree with or simply doesn’t care for, don’t let this keep you from going.  Jesus is gracious with you, be gracious with others.  

If you are looking for true Christian fellowship with other moms and their children, please find details for a group I founded here.