
When it comes to curriculum, you literally have hundreds of options to choose from.  This can be quite overwhelming, especially when you are starting out.  So, my hope is that the below categories can help you navigate the myriad of choices and find what works well for you and your kiddos! 

Remember, there is no perfect curriculum, so don’t let perfect get in the way of better.

Cathy Duffy This is a well known curriculum review site.  Anything with an apple by it is a top pick.
Rainbow Resource These charts are a great tool to narrow down which cirriculum options to consider based on grade level and parental involvement.
Rainbow ResourceOne of the biggest homeschool curriculum sites around. 
I recommend ordering hard copies of their catalogues. 
They also offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount of $.
Christianbook.comHave sales regularly and competitive prices.
Easy Peasy This is a completely FREE curriculum, created by a Christian Homeschooling Mom.  It’s a bit convoluted to use at times, but hey it’s free! For $15/year/child you can use their tracker to know where each child is in each subject, your older kids can use it independently.
Ambleside Charlotte Mason style cirriculum
eBayNew and Used curriculum.  Typically you’ll find your lowest prices here.
Facebook MarketplaceLocal & shipped options.  There are also many hs curriculum groups you can join, where moms sell curriculum.
Abe BooksThis site sources many other new/used book sites to find you the lowest price on an item.
Amazon.comNew and Used curriculum.
McKay’s BooksBIG used book store in Knoxville with some random curriculum (NOTE: The Chattanooga store is much better, it’s worth the drive).
Cedar Springs Christian StoreHas a small used homeschool curriculum section.
Bob JonesChristian
Christian Light EducationMennonite
Heart of DakotaCharlotte Mason
IEWWriting Curriculum
Master BooksChristian
Math U SeeTeaches one concept at a time.
Not ConsumedSelect Curriculum by an amazing single mom with a serious testimony!
Rod & StaffMennonite curriculum
SonLightCharlotte Mason
TAN AcademyCatholic Homeschool Curriculum
Teaching TextbooksMath
Simply Charlotte MasonCharlotte Mason
Lampstand PressChristian